Most Configuration settings are managed by the Owner and Administrator of the Hub. 

Members with the Account Owner and/or Administrator roles can add and configure Lines in a Hub. 

On the Lines Configurations’ page, you can see a complete list of the Lines in your organization. When a Line is selected, you will see a side panel on the right side with a brief overview of the Line’s Details, including the address, URL, status, tags, and Hosts assigned to it.

To add and create a new Line, just click on the ‘Create Line’ button at the top. The Line configuration settings are described below.


a. Member Details

To view the members tab you will need the Account Owner role.

In the members tab you will see a list of everyone who is a member in your organization. When you select a member, you will see a brief overview of that member’s details including name, email, status, and the Lines that they are assigned to. You can also use the search bar to find a particular member by name.

Inside a member’s details page, you can see their profile photo or avatar, name, email, roles, and member token. The member token can be generated and used for connecting the Chatnels service. An example of where it would be used is if Chatnels was embedded into a website, this token would be the identifier that also logs the user into the Chatnels service.

Deactivate Member:  If for any reason you need to remove a member, you would go here to deactivate the member from your organization. Once deactivated, the member will no longer be able to access the account. You can always re-able this user if needed.

b. Invite New Members

Invite new users to your organization to enable more collaboration and/or have them help you manage chat Lines. To invite additional members, you will need to have the Account Owner role.

To invite new members, go to Configurations > Members > Invite Member. A popup will appear asking you to insert the email address(es) of the users you want to invite. Separate multiple emails using either commas or ‘enter’ on your keyboard. 

Once invited, a user will need to accept the invite request from their email by clicking the URL link and creating/activating a Chatnels account. If your invited user needs a second reminder to accept, you can always resend the activation, or revoke the activation if sent in error.

c. Member Roles

There are four different types of roles in an organization, Account Owner, Administrator, Bot Trainer, and a regular member. 

The following table outlines the type of access and permissions each role enables.


a. Account & Billing

This is where you enter your organization’s address and contact information. The corporate address information from here will be used to auto-populate the address fields in any Lines you create. This is to save from having to retype the address for every line you create. 

If you have a premium or enterprise account, your payment information and invoices can be found in the ‘Manage Plan’ tab. If you are on a free trial, you can select a plan from this tab as well. 

b. Apps Integration

There is currently just one external application that Chatnels can be integrated with, which is the popular Zoom conferencing app. You only need to integrate one Zoom account for everyone in the Hub to utilize, and it must be done by the Account Owner. It’s highly suggested that it be a corporate account to separate it from your personal one. 

The instructions on integration are shown on the Apps Integrations page and as follows:

  1. Open Zoom App Marketplace.
  2. Go to Develop beside the search bar and then Build App.
  3. Under JWT, click on Create and fill in the required information and then Continue.
  4. Inside App Credentials, copy the ‘API Key’ and ‘API Secret’ and paste it into the Client ID and Client Secret fields on the UI.

Once set up, anyone who is a host of any conversation will be able to start a Zoom conference.

c. Preferences

As this is a chat application, we recognize there could be unwanted profanity words that may be sent into conversations. As a way to guard against this we have an automatic filter to filter and mask most profanity words and phrases inside chat messages. You can choose to turn it off should you feel it not something your hub needs.


Each Chatnels user is given a personal line, also called a Direct Line. It’s like having your own phone line that others can reach you at. In this line, you can set up your contact information, availability and auto-messages. 

  • All your lines on Chatnels, including your Direct Line, will be listed in the Line Directory to allow members to start a chat with you, or for you to start a chat with others.
  • With a Direct Line, only you can answer chats (as opposed to a regular line where any host assigned in the line can answer the chat).

The following table details what you can do in each tab.


  • Chats
  • Lines
  • Reports